by helen.holman | May 17, 2024 | Emerald Research, OptiYield
If you believe in the many and varied weather predictions, such as ‘Thunder on All Fool’s day, it brings good crops of corn and hay’ or ‘Rain on St. Johns Day (June 24th) expect a wet harvest’, there is no way of being able to reliably predict what weather we may get...
by helen.holman | May 8, 2024 | Emerald Research, OptiYield
The concept of foliar applied preparations is based on science, but when they were initially introduced in the late 1990’s many of the initial products had drawbacks, such as leaf scorch, low active volumes per application, poor uptake and even phtyotoxicity . All of...
by helen.holman | Mar 7, 2024 | Emerald Research, OptiYield
The use of foliar nitrogen applications offers farmers and growers a host of benefits ranging from an overall reduction in the amount of nitrogen applied through to increased nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and reductions in environmental losses, which can result...
by admin | Nov 6, 2023 | Emerald Research, POSTCOVA
Funded through Innovate UK, POSTCOVA was a 12-month research programme running through to Autumn 2021. POSTCOVA tackled major reductions in use of Nitrogen fertiliser – besides bovine methane emissions the largest source of CO2 equivalent emissions in agriculture...
by Simon Fox | Oct 14, 2022 | News, OptiYield
There has been no shortage of news articles lately covering the ‘perfect storm’ that rising fuel and nitrogen prices will have on UK agriculture and the wider economy, with fertiliser prices high, (at the time of writing nearly £1000/t for Ammonium Nitrate) and much...