Spectrum Broad Range Folair Micronutreint

Spectrum Broad Range Foliar Micronurient Use:

High efficiency foliar, balanced micronutrient mix designed for broad-spectrum micronutrient crop support.

Benefits of Spectrum Broad Range Foliar Micronurient:

  • Proven and practiced fertilisation technology for several years.
  • Making broad-spectrum micronutrient fertilisation independent of unfavourable weather conditions.
  • Allows very even application and precise timing of uptake during periods of high demand, especially when soils are dry.


    All arable & field vegetable crops.

    Pack Size:

    10 kg.

    Spectrum broad range foliar micronutrient 10kg
    MSDS Sheet
    Product Label

    Spectrum is specifically formulated using the unique acidifying and complexing technology with water-soluble anionic polyelectrolyte polymers derived from natural sources for easy mixing, enhanced compatibility and efficiency of uptake.


    Analysis g/kg Analysis g/kg
    Sulphur (SO3) 335.9 Copper (Cu) 13.0
    Manganese (Mn) 155.0 Boron (B) 20.0
    Zinc (Zn) 102.4 Molybdenum (Mo) 1.4
    Iron (Fe) 9.5

    As nutrients are taken in by the foliage sufficient leaf area must be present to absorb the spray. This normally coincides with the 3-leaf stage onwards in most crops. Applications should be made in the early morning or late evening when the uptake by the plant will be maximised.

    Half fill the sprayer with water, start agitation and add the appropriate amount of OptiYield nutrition products first. This will ensure that the water is suitably conditioned for maximum spraying efficiency. 


    Crop Timing Rate
    All Arable and Field Vegetable crops Timings are dependent on crop, residual nitrogen and targets. 0.5 – 4.0 Kg / ha

    Spectrum product label

    For further product information, quantities, pricing and delivery questions, please use the contact form below and we will get back to you.

    7 + 10 =

    OptiYield generates effective full-lifecycle crop programmes, utilising our library of unique bioactive products.

    OptiYield delivers 10-30% marketable yield increases in high-value crops for our farmers & growers.