OptiYield® Full Lifecycle Nutrient Management Plan

General farm information
General information collected:
- Farm contact details
- Sampling information
- Crop – including: variety, quality parameters, desired tonnage
Growth Stage
Recommendations are based on key crop-specific growth stages, which research results have shown to be the most important timings for influencing harvest results through nutritional support.
Base fertiliser recommendations for phosphate, potash, magnesium, calcium and sulphur.
Alternative base fertiliser recommendations adjusted by OptiYield especially phosphate – The adjustment is critical in making sure that both use of phosphate and crop yield are optimised.
Foliar Nutrients
When OptiYield indicates potential nutrient antagonism or ‘lock-up’ in the soil, then supplementary foliar nutrients are recommended at the optimum rate and growth stage.
Foliar Applications
Recommendations for foliar applications of nutrient and biostimulant mixtures based on the interpretation of the soil analysis and balanced with the dynamic needs of the crop related to growth stage.